@StocletG @esrf @D2AMBeamline Bonne chance, et bonnes nuits 😴
Twitter archives
On my way to Paris to select talks for the program of the Rayons X et Matière conference, to be held in Bordeaux in November. https://t.co/4ohgHAIXHD https://t.co/buFqDf1Myk
New publications from N. Jaisle, finishing PhD student in Grenoble on temperature modeling of diamond anvil cell experiments @EuropeanXFEL : MHz free electron laser x-ray diffraction and modeling of pulsed laser heated diamond anvil cell https://t.co/IQBgzz5o0j
En ces jours de rentrée, je reçois plein de messages informant que Goelett impact Notilus, des en-têtes à ajouter aux notifications Etaminnes… J’adore la poésie des logiciels de « simplification administrative »!
A day in Sidney before heading out back to Europe. Had a nice time at @IUCr2023 and in Australia in general. Ready for teaching on Monday ! Not really in fact 🥱 https://t.co/I8m5nAGYl1
RT @MonniauxD: Dans mon expérience (limitée) de l'enseignement, la tenue "conservatrice" ou "provocante" des étudiantes ne pose aucun probl…
Funny to see an ad for lab-diamonds and moissanite when coming out of a full afternoon dedicated to diamond anvil cell experiments @IUCr2023 ! https://t.co/n4njfNPwr5
Looking for something on Monday afternoon @IUCr2023 ? Please join our session on Multigrain crystallography, Multicrystal Indexings, and Microstructures in High Pressure Experiments at 13:10 Monday in room 209 in the Melbourne convention center! https://t.co/a1vfildodU
Melbourne at night, coming out of #iucr2023 at the conference center. https://t.co/aIAGtApniA
Made it to Melbourne after 30 hours travel. Let’s start with a healthy breakfast. https://t.co/v3WWXIRdgg
The joys of travel experiments. Tea and fried tofu in Singapore airport. Not taking too many risks! https://t.co/SL3drJjGM5
Getting ready for a loooong travel to Melbourne to attend #iucr2023. I bought a pillow! https://t.co/2cAtSYeo7F
RT @MonniauxD: Il y a quelque chose de rassurant dans le réchauffement climatique : il se passe ce que les physiciens avaient prévu depuis…
@jfb279 @RaveaudGilles Paris a très peu de chambres d’hôtel et ne peux pas accueillir de grands événements sans aller chercher des hébergements loin, très loin. C’est une des raisons pour laquelle il n’y a jamais de très gros congrès scientifiques, par exemple. Alors les JO…
Reached 30000 km on my day
-to-day bike today. Big savings on gas and CO2 over the years! https://t.co/oKWSDFffWn
RT @AGU_MRP: MRP is providing child/dependent care support to help members of the MRP community participate in the #AGU23 Fall Meeting, whe…
Time-resolved measurements of temperature during diamond anvil cell experiment at the High Energy Density instrument of the European XFEL. Time resolution down to 10–100 ns for 1–200 μs streak camera windows. https://t.co/IHGLhXRL3B
RT @UUEarthSciences: PhD VACANCY WITH LAURA COBDEN (re-opened) We're re-advertising this PhD vacancy in geophysics. If you applied before…
EHPRG award lecture from Jean Alexis Hernandez from ESRF at #ehprg60 and #airapt28. @esrfsynchrotron @MEx_ESRF https://t.co/3uywT0i8SC
@frestagn In the meantime, Salamat just gave a talk on water at high pressure in HP conference two days ago. Reaction from the room was cold.
@frestagn Published in the same Nature that publishes claims is super conductivity by the same team. Tells you a lot about the business of Nature publications these days. False claims and controversies are good for business.
RT @WWU_HighPress: Chrystele Sanloup solving the paradox of missing #Xenon in #planetaryInteriors through #highPressure studies #AIRAPT28 #…
Bridgman award to Irifune Sensei from Ehime University. #airapt28 #ehprg60. https://t.co/uhuiADlFWK
RT @WWU_HighPress: Malcolm McMahon from @EdinburghUni opening the #AIRAPT28 #EHPRG60 conference #HighPressure, #materials https://t.co/TP01…
Pre-conference Workshop on Transport Properties at High Pressure at #airapt28 #ehprg60. Speaking at 11:30 AM on multigrain X-ray diffraction and sample microstructures in diamond anvil cell experiments. See you there! https://t.co/bpPCpXkkz4
Time to stop procrastinating and finishing my talk for the Workshop on Transport at High Pressure prior to #airapt28 and #ehprg60 in Edinburgh. The Eurostar is quiet, coming out of the tunnel, before trying to catch a train from London to Edinburgh on a UK strike day.
Publications vs. reviews: 24 years statistics on myself. I reviewed for 37 different journals, published in 33. I published 80 journal publications, and reviewed 118. https://t.co/5TKendW24O
@Tommaso64790027 @JSynchrotronRad Congratulations on your first paper!
RT @Tommaso64790027: Check out my publication (early view) in @JSynchrotronRad: Deformation of two-phase aggregates with in situ X-ray tomo…
RT @JSynchrotronRad: Two-phase aggregates at high pressure and temperature @sorbonne_univ_ @univ_lille @synchroSOLEIL @JSynchrotronRad @IUC…
Can you take magnesite (MgCO3) deeper than 700km? No says L. Libon. It should turn into diamond according to advanced experiments in pressure and temperature cells, X-ray diffraction at the synchrotron, and electron microscopy observations.
The carbon cycle is not only in the atmosphere. Carbon also gets subducted, is taken deep in the Earth mantle, and later turns into diamond.
Travelling to the Institute of geosciences at Univ Potsdam @GeowPotsdam . PhD defense of L. Libon tomorrow. Let’s dig deep for carbonates and the CarboPat project!
RT @michael_w_busch: Planetary scientists discover water on Earth.
@OlivierNamur @KU_Leuven @kuleuven_fwet @yishen_z @Sodic_Saffy @pyroclastic_kat Congratulations! I have seen this press before!
Manta ray in the @PlaneteNAUSICAA aquarium in Boulogne sur Mer. Kids and parents were impressed! https://t.co/KDClrMaMZh
Following a training course to use #hyperspy. Let's see how multidimensional data analysis could help us move forward with the #HotCores project https://t.co/vySTqcuYGY
@MonniauxD Le plus drôle est quand toi français est premier auteur d’un papier avec des collègues US. Beaucoup ignorent les communiqués des universités de province (nan, pas possibles!). Pas mal de sites web parlent ensuite du papier comme une “étude américaine”.
RT @ProfDuthoit: La puissance de cette technique de physicien- l’analyse dimensionnelle- m’étonnera toujours. Explications et, en exemple,…
Maxime Morgano finishing his PhD defense on silicate alteration in the solar system. @ED_SMRE @fst_univlille https://t.co/wnFDrdjSMq
@frestagn Intéressant. A @fst_univlille, on a une licence de ce type. Succès: 50 étdts/ an, bon retours, mais interdiction de faire référence à l’enseignement dans l’intitulé. Elle s’appelle donc “Formation et Communication en Sciences” et seuls les initiés la connaissent.
The Cost of Elsevier https://t.co/eZwgwydZ41 via @telescoper
@mixlamalice Une droite passant par l’origine. Changement de tendance sur le dernier point, qui n’est plus sur la droite. C’est avec ce point qu’on fera le papier pour Nature.