RT @antoine_petit_: Présentation à @VidalFrederique, ministre @sup_recherche, de la mobilisation des équipes de l'Unité matériaux et transf…
Twitter archives
RT @CNRS_HdF: Bernard MARTEL,enseignant-chercheur à l’#UMET présente le projet TELEMASQ à la ministre @VidalFrederique. Le but du projet es…
I am hiring! One year postdoc position. Processing of x-ray diffraction images on phase transformations in minerals at pico-seconds timescales in diamond anvil cells at @EuropeanXFEL and electron microscopy on recovered samples. More information at https://t.co/cBWtd2NydP https://t.co/3PKbN43A6Z
Nominate your student, post-doc, or collaborator for awards with @AGU_MRP today! The deadline for all awards were extended to June 1. More info here: https://t.co/W1VInvk31Q #AGUstudent #AGUhonors
@JamesBadro Tu as un peu de vert près de chez toi. C'est bien !
RT @INSU_CNRS: #RésultatScientifique 🔎 Casser ou fluer ? Telle est la question ! C'est l’ardent secret de la fragilité de la matière ! @re…
@marzena_baron @EuropeanXFEL Ca va. Et toi? Not too board in your Paris apartment?
I am hiring! One year postdoc position. The projects include processing of x-ray diffraction images on phase transformations in minerals at pico-seconds timescales at @EuropeanXFEL and electron microscopy on recovered samples. https://t.co/CoY498f3zN https://t.co/gwfbZyBiWX
New publication in Rev Sci Instrum with J. Immoor as first author: An improved setup for radial diffraction experiments at high pressures and high temperatures in a resistive graphite-heated diamond anvil cell
https://t.co/kkpbHIp4nW https://t.co/vF6GO3rHeZ
RT @MEx_ESRF: 3-years funded Phd position #ISTerre #Grenoble #geoscience #planets #exoplanets #ESRF #synchrotron #planetaryscience @IPAG_…
RT @MathieuAvanzi: 🙋Comment prononcer les patronymes et toponymes alpins qui terminent par en -az, -oz (-otz), -uz, -ax, -ex, comme #Chamon…
RT @JoshuaPotash: Oil companies have nowhere to put their oil. So these tankers are just sitting off the coast of Southern California. Ful…
@LaurentMontesi Toutes mes condoléances...
RT @wargonm: Excellent article dans le journal La Marseillaise (qu’on peut difficilement qualifier d’anti marseillais) d’un réanimateur de…
I was curious after seeing a flight over my house. Had a look on flight radar: most planes flying over France are either cargo or private jets. Amazing. https://t.co/6H0T463QhR
RT @coreyspowell: This Pluto flyover--created from real New Horizons images, edited together by @Alex_Parker--is utterly spectacular. You m…
L’énigmatique état magnétique du fer sous pression se dévoile https://t.co/E07u1IFcqc
RT @JamesBadro: A vos postes radiophoniques (ou sur le web) !! https://t.co/hsSBsIZx4I
RT @INSU_CNRS: [Revue de presse] Que se passe-t-il dans les profondeurs de la #Terre, des milliers de kilomètres sous nos pieds ? Comment e…
Intéressé par quelques nouvelles récentes sur le manteau terrestre? Un peu de lecture en ces temps mouvementés: mon article dans @FR_Conversation est sorti hier soir! @univ_lille @INSU_CNRS https://t.co/TxZEZuRd5J
@haiech @E_Integrity_FR La réponse est très très claire: NON https://t.co/n2OaXqAKJt
Le Dr. Raoult travaille en France mais les règles d'éthique sont internationales. Je trouve absolument abject de faire le buzz médiatique avec un traitement dangereux à l'efficacité non prouvée dans de telles circonstances.
La citation est extraite du code d’éthique de la recherche scientifique en belgique. Bref. Simple. Efficace. Et pertinent. https://t.co/n2OaXqAKJt https://t.co/54NBS9awgu
Le bruit autour du Pr Raoult et de la chloroquine contre le #COVIDー19 me rappelle une citation dans mon cours sur l'intégrité scientifique : lors de communications ou présentations dans les médias, le chercheur ... évite de susciter des craintes ou des espoirs non justifiés.
Didier Raoult works in France, not Belgium, but I strongly believe that scientific integrity should be a trans-national virtue.
The quote is from the codes of ethics for scientific research in belgium. Great document. Simple. Short. Efficient. https://t.co/CYK5hIU3fz https://t.co/VKKDWObaJ1
The media frenzy on Didier Raoult and chloroquine treatment against #COVIDー19 reminds me of my scientific integrity class I teach every year: in media communications or presentations, the researcher .... must avoid arousing unjustified fears or hopes.
First online teaching experience, with live notes and discussions 🙃! Jitsi video-conference thanks to the @Scaleway infrastructure, PDF documents, live polls on https://t.co/noiCeBR3z0, live online board using @openboard_org and a simple @wacom graphics tablets. It works 🥅! https://t.co/WLkgR9L7uN
@slashdot And so did thousands of other companies. Stupid and very dirty advertising campaign for M. Musk.
RT @EuroGeosciences: IMPORTANT UPDATE: #EGU20 in Vienna will be cancelled and instead EGU is working to provide attendees with a week-lon…
RT @AntarcticReport: Meanwhile at the South Pole where the Sun is about to disappear for six months, 42 winter-over personnel heave sigh of…
@MarkPanning Your monitor is too large!
Last minute picture at the lab. The end of two months of intense data crunching! https://t.co/TpQ9HtX3Lf
Last picture of Stanford campus before heading home. I had a great stay during those two months. https://t.co/W9foVDVNCU
@caro_aniso I just changed my flight. Back home tomorrow! For a few very long minutes, I thought I was going to be trapped in the US...
I have never been so happy to change a flight! Escaping from the US tomorrow. Flight booked, confirmed, and seat assigned tomorrow afternoon! A big thanks to @AirFranceFR for not even charging me and letting me go home. https://t.co/BW8U0ucFjN
New experiences thanks to #COVID19 outbreak: virtual seminar to @Livermore_Lab. Could be a good way to reduce travel but I am worried about the lack of face contact during the talk. I am afraid it will be hard for everyone, me and the audience!
RT @AGU_MRP: Call for nominations for the AGU Mineral and Rock Physics section awards, including a Graduate Research Award, an Early Career…
RT @EuroGeosciences: EGU will give a definitive answer on whether the #EGU20 General Assembly will be held by 31 March 2020, and we would l…
Just landed in Washington DC. Council meeting for @theAGU is starting tomorrow. Representing @AGU_MRP as president-elect.
RT @mike_malaska: I'll be doing this at #LPSC.
Arrived at the Institute for Geophysics and Planetary Physics @Scripps_Ocean for a seminar today. When I see this view, I think that some of us have a very hard life! https://t.co/tq92vzxWAS
RT @Rainmaker1973: This stunning aerial photo shows the scale of unusual bi-directional crevassing in Antarctica, as an ice sheet is stretc…
Today at 11 AM, seminar in the Earth Sciences department @Stanford. https://t.co/viFTsTNeJz
Barbara Romanowicz from @UCBerkeley and @cdf1530 giving a talk in Earthquakes in the Colloquium Series @SLAClab . https://t.co/XfuzgpEaBz
RT @lemonde_science: L’hydrogène enfin transformé en métal ? https://t.co/cKWCQKoddE