Getting ready for take off for a short meeting of the iUCR Commission on Diffraction Microstructure Imaging Looks like I will make it to the us this time!
Twitter archives
RT @FrontEarthSci: New Research: Deformation of Polycrystalline MgO Up to 8.3 GPa and 1270 K: Microstructures, Dominant Slip-Systems, and T…
RT @esrfsynchrotron: Let us introduce you to ID27, a @Geo_ESRF beamline dedicated to high-pressure and high-temperature experiments. To tak…
RT @DeepTransitions: End of the '660' discontinuity meeting by @StoneScience420. Happy faces before starting to write some papers! https://…
RT @DavidPriceUCL: “World's top graduates get new UK visa option”… A terrible example of an abuse of a flawed metric. Many excellent stude…
J.K. Magali presenting his recent models from the TIMEleSS project #EGU22. @DeepTransitions. Models and for transition zone anisotropy and surface wave detection inspired from experimental deformation data.
Session started 20 minutes late due to metro issues in Vienna.
Earth and planetary cores session live now at #EGU22 : . Join us online or in person in room K1!
Attending #EGU22 in person for the first time in 3 years. First day dedicated to Earth and rocky planets.
@DeepEarthExplor I would be even better if it was a feature of SMTP delivery servers. To my knowledge, it is not.
@DeepEarthExplor Thunderbird has a "send later" module, but you need to convert timezones yourself and your computer needs to be on at the time of sending. I use it when emailing on weekends.
RT @DanShim4: We have a new #postdoc position. The postdoc will lead projects in #exoplanet materials research. Specific examples include h…
RT @LafonOlivier: Soumission des résumés pour la conférence Matériaux 2022 ( avant le 16 mai. Cette conférence se t…
RT @IAGA__AIGA: The next Studies of the Earth's Deep Interior (@SEDI_AGU) conference will happen 11-15th July in Zurich! Registration is op…
@DavidTeter A camper van and a year on the road to Patagonia?
New publication from from PhD student Estelle Ledoux in @DeepTransitions project! Deformation of Polycrystalline MgO Up to 8.3 GPa and 1270 K: Microstructures, Dominant Slip-Systems, and Transition to Grain Boundary Sliding
Un chercheur de l’Université de Lille s’embarque dans un voyage au centre de la Terre via @lavoixdunord
New publication in Phys. Rev. Materials, with Binbin Yue, Matthias Krug, et al: Deformation and slip systems of CaCl2-type MnO2 under high pressure. Nice to see the results of this long-distance collaboration! @DeepTransitions @WWU_HighPress
@MonniauxD Ma carte mère a commencé à montrer des signes de faiblesse comme ça...
@DevilleSy I have a feeling community journals are refusing more papers recently, or at least mine. Maybe I am writing shitty papers, maybe I have more enemies, maybe they are trying to increase their impact factor, I do not know. But the last few years have been more difficult than before.
RT @CNRS_HdF: @sebastienmerkel et son équipe mènent des travaux sur le mystérieux noyau terrestre, sorte de mini-planète au cœur de la #Ter…
The white smoke is out. I have been awarded an ERC Advanced Grant #ERCAdG ! Stay tuned for more research on the Earth Inner Core! @ERC_Research @univ_lille @CNRS_HdF @isiteULNE
RT @isiteULNE: Félicitations à @sebastienmerkel du laboratoire #UMET @univ_lille @CNRS_HdF qui avait été lauréat de l'appel ERC generator d…
@StoneScience420 There are certainly more people on the sides on Paris Roubaix than inside local churches, that's for sure!
@StoneScience420 How was it? Did you enjoy the race in real life.
RT @theAGU: ⏳ Time is running out! Submit your proposal by TOMORROW (April 20) for #AGU22, in 🎡 Chicago and online everywhere 12-16 Dec.…
@WWU_HighPress Great! What's the plan for this room?
@RobertCMahon I had a student paper rejected. The paper sat in a drawer for 6 years. I reworked the whole data processing, wrote a new paper, and submitted it to a different journal from the same publisher. I was asked to answer the reviews on the original manuscript, 7 years earlier.
@DanShim4 Good luck for the experiment!
@seismodoc Frontiers in Earth Science has an interesting model in which, as a reviewer, you publicly endorse a publication if you accept it. For the few papers I dealt with as an associate editor, however, some refuse to review because they want to remain anonymous.
RT @r_caracas: Registration is open for IMA2022 - the 23rd General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association @INSU_CNRS @deep…
@DavidTeter I should do the same!
RT @LafonOlivier: La conférence « Matériaux 2022 » ( se tiendra du 24 au 28 octobre 2022 à Lille sur le site de Lil…
RT @MHDwizard: Chaotic neutral? :D
@AcademicChatter #AcademicTwitter
@OlivierNamur It was great to have you here. You are welcome anytime!
Low carbon footprint mail and printing delivery at @univ_lille.
Getting ready for a keynote lecture at the 2022 MTEX workshop. Online meeting are so terrible at letting you getting ready until the very last minute!
When I try to type "Pyroxene" on android, my auto-correct keeps replacing it with "Proxénète". That's the French word for "Pimp". I'm not sure whether this would fly very well 🤔
@DavidTeter I would definitely fly out asap. Sorry to hear this.
RT @AGU_MRP: The nomination deadline for AGU awards is fast approaching (April 1). MRP has 3 awards to recognize outstanding PhD students a…
I am always amazed by those numbers. At a meeting to discuss our curriculum of first year students for physical sciences @univ_lille. Above 800 students in September, 550 students taking introductory classes from the physics department. Those are huge numbers.
RT @AGU_MRP: Big congrats to 2021 MRP OSPA winner @yu_shidong from @NTU_ASE, on his presentation "Prediction of host minerals for potassium…
RT @AGU_MRP: Well done 2021 MRP OSPA winner Ningli Zhao from @BrownGeoSci on his presentation "The influence of grain boundary serrations o…
RT @AGU_MRP: Congrats to 2021 MRP OSPA winner @DamanveerGrewal of @RiceEarthSci on his presentation "The effect of carbon concentration on…
RT @AGU_MRP: Congrats to 2021 MRP OSPA winner Isabel Ashman from U. of Liverpool on her presentation "The Influence of Clay Content on Dila…
Seventh (and last I hope) day of family self isolation after Covid made it into the house. It did not take much for it to happen. France just stopped making masks mandatory in public places. Anyone who did not catch Covid yet will get it, guaranteed.
RT @isiteULNE: Le projet @isiteULNE piloté par le site lillois validé aujourd'hui avec la confirmation du label #isite porté par l'EPE @uni…