RT @DeepTransitions: Estelle Ledoux joins the TIMEleSS project ! She is partly supported by and will be at the @univ_lille. She is the 3rd…
Twitter archives
RT @ESRF_UserOrg: We are looking for two new members to represent the following user communities @esrfsynchrotron : 1- X-ray Nanoprobe, 2-…
All day session on Mantle-Plate System in Earth and Planetary Bodies in room D3 at #EGU18. Over 30 posters later this evening. I'll be convening the first part, at 8:30. It will be a busy day. Details and program at https://t.co/q2eXuCRKGK https://t.co/eBLD7CWqEq
Beautiful day in Vienna for #EGU18. 23°, sunny weather, perfect for a lunch break outside! https://t.co/QEJGJvwTaT
Very successful session on rheology at #EGU2018. Room -2.21 is too small. Many people are waiting outside and can not enter.
Actually, the session is in room -2.21, not +2.21. It is simply on the complete other side of the conference.
Looking for what to do at #EGU2018? The seismic anisotropy session starts at 13:30 in room 2.21. I will be speaking on perovskite and post-perovskite at 16:15. https://t.co/kwfkIp8s41
Know a brilliant young mineral or rock physicist? Three @AGU_MRP awards nominations are open! Hurry up: deadline Apr. 15, 2018 https://t.co/hhaTHlVm8Z https://t.co/H8UE3nMmpR
Great program on the Earth's core at #EGU2018! Please come by at PICO slot 3 at 13:30 for "Earth's core structure, dynamics and evolution: observations, models, experiments". https://t.co/KVdgoNHYWc https://t.co/eO061zDokz
RT @r_caracas: There is still time to nominate for the Undergraduate and Graduate Research Awards of the @AGU_MRP. Deadline April 15th. Do…
Nice view over Paris by night during take-off to Vienna and #EGU18. Tomorrow afternoon, Pico session on the Earth'core. Please come by! https://t.co/fw7VxQDt3d
RT @DeepTransitions: First PI meeting for TIMEleSS! C. Sanchez, C. Thomas, and S. Merkel are in Münster for discussing the outline of the p…
Dinner in Münster last night. Groups of C. Thomas and C. Sanchez from @WWU_Muenster with guest star visitors J. Jackson and W. Sturhahn from @Caltech and I. Kantor from @MAXIVLaboratory. Funny we all meet in Münster! https://t.co/3TDdyZ6a3b
Want to know about ferropericlase in the Earth's mantle? Just published in Earth Planetar Sc Lett, with J. Immoor as first author: Evidence for {100}<011> slip in ferropericlase in Earth's lower mantle from high-pressure/high-temperature experiments. https://t.co/t6tPkgdSSy https://t.co/ByMYwFVSWs
RT @AGU_MRP: Please nominate outstanding students and early-career MRP scientists for AGU awards by April 15! https://t.co/AR8TVCaHqa
Full room for a general election microscopy class as the UMET lab @univ_lille. https://t.co/nws8R845Fm
RT @MEx_ESRF: Over 100 scientists and students attended the "Opportunity in High Pressure Science at the ESRF" microsymposium! Thank you al…
RT @ESRF_UserOrg: The members of the User Organisation at ESRF at dinner after an exciting day of plenary sessions and scientific discussio…
Data collected during the whole beam time, with confirmation of relevant conditions during the last night, indeed! https://t.co/6IFIyxIyng
RT @ESRF_UserOrg: The User Organisation Committee @esrfsynchrotron at work for the last details of the 2018 User Meeting #UM2018. See you a…
RT @esrfsynchrotron: Welcome Users to the 2018 ESRF User Meeting! Share your experience with us #UM2018 #ESRF https://t.co/a6A7VqaDxi
@ISL_Sheffield @esrfsynchrotron Thanks! Under pressure now. Let's see how it runs...
Sample assembly ready for tomorrow's experiment at ID06 @esrfsynchrotron. Thanks Julien for putting it together! https://t.co/OFb1Yss118
RT @Sfmu_officiel: Quelques places encore disponibles pour suivre la formation Crystelec 2018 : L'Ecole de Cristallographie Electronique qu…
Busy morning at the student forum in Lille. The @univ_lille is getting ready to hire the next generation of our 67000 students. https://t.co/zT0C3ISTiG
RT @ZAGENOteam: Have a great weekend, everyone! It's the little things in life, right? ;) #funfriday #ZAGENO #EUREKA #casual #casualfriday…
RT @esrfsynchrotron: Hey Users. Less than 1 month to go! Deadline for the registration: 21 January ➡️https://t.co/8fo5czViAV Looking forwar…
PhD students days (journée des doctorants) ongoing at the UMET laboratory @univ_lille. https://t.co/CwL5CzCZpA
New stuff on the Earth's core? #EGU18 session GD4.1 is just for you: Earth's core structure, dynamics and evolution: observations, models, experiments! Deadline tomorrow, 10 January 2018, 13:00 CET. https://t.co/4i0kUHSqb6 https://t.co/w1ftyDu9sK
Deadline for submitting your abstracts to #EGU18 is tomorrow! Check out our session GD3.1: Dynamics, structure and evolution of the mantle in the Earth and planetary bodies. https://t.co/BnRHSXSpi1 https://t.co/lKfoxGMm1L
Did I mention? We have 2 PhD openings in Deep Earth Mineral Physics for the TIMEleSS project @DeepTransitions between @WWU_Muenster and @univ_lille. Submit applications by Jan. 14th, 2018. https://t.co/Edp21lxRDW https://t.co/D2lcc3Tfnb
RT @DeepTransitions: 2 PhD positions available! TIMEleSS is looking for 2 PhD students in Deep Earth Mineral Physics at @WWU_Muenster and…
Tomorrow at 2PM @univ_lille: PhD defence of C. Langrand, Effect of phase transformations on deep Earth minerals microstructures. Ganbatte Christopher!
@JamesBadro Sorry Jimy. I hope you do make it back in time for Christmas! Lucky there is a full week between the end of AGU and the holidays.
Here was the official annoucement for C. Langrand's award with the @theAGU: 2017 AGU Section and Focus Group Awardees and Named Lecturers https://t.co/DcpdrHgO1E
C. Langrand, my PhD student at @univ_lille is getting an award! Tonight, he will be honored with the 2017 Jamieson Student Paper Award at the @AGU_MRP reception. Could not make it to #AGU17 this year but, at least, will be present in some way :) https://t.co/vdiozb90mU
RT @MachinePix: Removing unripe tomatoes with an optical sorter. https://t.co/FnsjE1MESf
New publications in Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors! Collaboration between @univ_lille, @WWU_Muenster, and @bristoluni:
Detecting seismic anisotropy above the 410 km discontinuity using reflection coefficients of underside reflections. https://t.co/lvcQwelkDl https://t.co/ucn1h60dmq
New publication in Journal of Applied Physics today. Collaboration between @univ_lille @UUtah @unibt and @LosAlamosNatLab: Elasto-viscoplastic self consistent modeling of the ambient temperature plastic behavior of periclase deformed up to 5.4 GPa. https://t.co/JEAgrfugi9 https://t.co/f0Eis2Gg4j
Julien Chantel, our new research engineer, is giving us a seminar about his previous works on elasticity of minerals and melts in the deep Earth.
RT @MEL_Lille: Du 20 oct 2017 au 2 avril 2018, venez-voir la vie en bleu au Musée d’histoire naturelle de Lille. @MHNLille En savoir plus >…
@miolette Discontinuities in the Earth's mantle...
Finally, I got a large grant funded! 6 long years since I submitted my first failed ERC. Did not have single large scale proposal accepted since. I have been surviving on 5-6 k€ proposals in recent years. Glad it's over! Stay tuned for TIMEleSS, coming up in 2018.
Ce soir, au colloque Rayons X et Matière @univ_lille, conférence grand public : La fabuleuse histoire du grand diamant bleu de Louis XIV, par F. Farge du @Le_Museum. 19h10-20h30 dans l'amphi Migeon à Polyech Lille. Entrée libre. https://t.co/5mm1dSlJRX https://t.co/tMjMunrnXW
Ca commence aujourd'hui ! "Rayons X et Matière" -14-17 nov. 2017 - A Lilliad @univ_lille - Villeneuve d’Ascq. Détails et programme sur https://t.co/SVbMKhQNgE https://t.co/L8pOEAG6xp
Last day of talks at the #icotom. Enjoying a few last talks and discussions. Sandra Piazolo gave a nice plenary this morning. Glad to see Earth sciences in the forefront at the meeting!
RT @Univ_Lille1: Titan est ouvert à la fois aux universitaires mais également aux industriels et est déjà en fonctionnement avec par exempl…
RT @Univ_Lille1: C'est chose faite ! Le nouveau microscope électronique en transmission #Titan Themis qui permet l'étude de la matière cond…