RT @DeepTransitions: Today at #AGU20, see TIMEleSS poster from E. Ledoux: Olivine to Wadlseyite Transformation in (Mg,Fe)2SiO4 and the 410…
Twitter archives
RT @DeepTransitions: We are hiring! Post-doc position starting in 2021 until the end of 2022. Interdisciplinary project on mineral physics…
RT @DeepEarthExplor: If you look at AGU posters, please send a quick message to the author. It is really encouraging for students after a y…
Des chercheurs lillois vont plancher sur l’origine du système solaire https://t.co/CW2XQBpeHS via @20minutes
@PdriscollE The interaction at posters is a bit weird. I would have preferred if AGU had an text board discussion for each poster. Could have simply left note, hi, great poster, for instance, or seen questions asked by others to get the discussion moving.
RT @AGU_MRP: Join us online Friday, December 11, 2020, 08:00 a.m. - 09:00 a.m., San Francisco time, for the latest news on our section and…
RT @KananiKMLee: I wish our usual @SEDI_AGU and @AGU_MRP reception were in person. Ah well, come anyway: https://t.co/DJP5EJBW0O
RT @AGU_MRP: Are you ready? AGU2020 is coming!!! The first virtual AGU fall meeting, and the first AGU meeting lasting for 2 weeks!!!! Mark…
Europe's values are non-negotiable. Don’t accept blackmailing from Poland and Hungary! - Signez la pétition ! https://t.co/B9khEPiMBe via @ChangeFrance
RT @isiteULNE: Des échantillons d'astéroïdes bientôt analysés à #Lille ! #UMET @univ_lille @CNRS_HdF @Centralelille https://t.co/pQYwgaWtaw
The #AGU2020 meeting kicked off! Log-in to the AGU Science Roll Call and see the @AGU_MRP awardees shaping the future of science! MRP presentations start at 13 mn into the video. https://t.co/sHJZ79gGqs https://t.co/HRexHpMCpt
RT @AGU_MRP: Congratulations to the newly elected fellows affiliated with our MRP section: Gordon E. Brown Jr. (Stanford University), Denis…
RT @WWU_HighPress: We congratulate Matthias Krug from @WWU_HighPress for receiving a @DAAD_Germany grant for a 6 months stay in Lille to wo…
RT @SoM_esrf: The 3rd workshop on Studies of Dynamically Compressed #Matter with #Xrays (DyCoMax) has been re-scheduled as online event: 1…
We did it! Our new multi-anvil press @univ_lille was delivered and installed 10 days ago. The end of a long design and purchase process, and now let the calibration begin! https://t.co/HNkG9IqX1O
RT @caro_aniso: Classrooms: "If the room is ventilated during the lesson, either with fresh air or mechanically, and the class is stopped a…
RT @isiteULNE: Des chercheurs de l'#UMET nous expliquent comment leur laboratoire devrait permettre de mieux comprendre la formation du sys…
Running experiment at PETRA III @desy with our partners at @WWU_Muenster and @GFZ_Potsdam for the TIMEleSS projects @DeepTransitions. German members onsite, French members remote. Seems to be working for now! https://t.co/YMKm7B28dH
RT @WWU_HighPress: One beamtime done, anothee one starts at PETRA III @desy @desynews! This time the synchrotron comes to @WWU_Muenster. @D…
RT @univ_lille: Samuel Paty a été assassiné pour avoir exercé son métier de professeur et enseigné la liberté d’expression. (1/3) ⤵️ https…
First in 20 years: a paper published on my birthday! Microstructural effects and mechanism of bcc-hcp-bcc transformations in polycrystalline iron. Phys. Rev. B. https://t.co/uTU3rURnD5 https://t.co/SVpd3fLf7T
@tarze1 @frestagn Logiciel : openboard
@AlfredAvit @gilles_laurent_ @SNCF @eurovelo3 @DroitAuVelo @FNAUT_fr @ouisncf Oui et non. Pas sûr qu'il y ait des compartiments vélos dans les ICE.
RT @esrfsynchrotron: #news Scientists @esrfsynchrotron @CEA_Officiel @CNRS @Sorbonne_Univ_ have found the proof for a liquid-to-liquid tran…
RT @ScottDuncanWX: Indonesia's Mount Sinabung has exploded and sent enormous ash cloud over 16,000 feet into the atmosphere. https://t.co/…
Summer shopping look in 2020. I wonder how winter will look like. https://t.co/RoUCi6XYur
@wafa_ay @MnLata Un ATER est un CDD de l'enseignement supérieur avec une grosse charge d'enseignement (la même que les MCF mais les MCF refont souvent les mêmes enseignements plusieurs années). Ces postes sont ok pour assurer une transition entre 2 situations plus enviables mais pas plus.
RT @ESRF_UserOrg: The annual ESRF User Meeting will take place in Grenoble (France) 8-10 February 2021 https://t.co/eGOnVfPnUh
RT @AGU_Eos: The results for @AssnMediaPub #EXCEL2020 awards are in! We are extremely proud to have received 5 awards, including bronze for…
RT @DeepTransitions: Back for a synchrotron experiment @synchroSOLEIL. New special post-covid look for everyone! https://t.co/ORZuce7msX
RT @univ_lille: Dernière ligne droite pour répondre à notre appel au don ! Ces derniers sont versés à la Fondation #ULille, ce qui vous per…
@ChrisDaviesGeo @miolette You can look at the sister paper on dynamic compression. Plenty of women were interviewed.
@ChrisDaviesGeo @miolette I agree that woman's contributions should not be overlooked and they were not.
@ChrisDaviesGeo @miolette These names were provided to Eos but probably never answered the requests for interview. The science journalist who wrote this paper specifically asked for women names.
L'@univ_lille a lancé un appel à dons: soutenez l’équipement informatique des étudiants (dont ouvrant droit à une réduction fiscale). Objectif: achat de 1000 ordinateurs disponibles pour des prêts de longue durée à la rentrée.
https://t.co/dUELU3rCi6 https://t.co/pJzMVaPiiu
Ternary plots are too easy. We need more dimensions. https://t.co/7KeIj96Q1X https://t.co/a1xo1aYPxd
Cover and special topic of @AGU_Eos for High pressure Mineral Physics : Remaking a Planet One Atom at a Time https://t.co/MhstEaTGkM
Cover and special topic of @AGU_Eos for High pressure Mineral Physics : Reflecting on a Half Century of Mineral and Rock Physics at AGU https://t.co/B59fg4o3G3
Cover and special topic of @AGU_Eos for High pressure Mineral Physics : Earth’s Core Is in the Hot Seat https://t.co/4VTUPRLQGE
RT @univ_lille: Merci à tous les premiers donateurs ! ❤️ Vos dons vont nous permettre de doter d’ ordinateurs nos étudiants empêchés numéri…
RT @CNRS_HdF: [#Vidéo] Découvrez les coulisses de la prod de solution hydro-alcoolique à l'#UMET + de 1000L produits et distribués aux libé…
RT @CNRS_HdF: [TOURNAGE] Production de solution gel hydroalcoolique au labo #UMET à destination des #EPHAD des @hautsdefrance - plus de 100…
RT @PhysicsWorld: A technique that reproduces the conditions of the Earth’s mantle at a depth of more than 2000 km could help researchers s…
A few days late, but Day 7/7 #PhotosOfMyLife A picture a day for a week. No people, no explanations. Nominated by @MEx_ESRF https://t.co/RTR5TOwHP0
Sauvons le mensuel «La Recherche» - Signez la pétition ! https://t.co/9ldooxqmPq via @ChangeFrance
RT @WWU_HighPress: A huge loss.
RT @theAGU: #AGU20 is virtual (mostly) and remains global (always) says Guy Brasseur @PlanetSabine @Laurenruns2 https://t.co/lhGOF4FGwT h…