@GeoPlanetKing Had the same thing happening to me a few months ago. I did respond promptly. Did not do the review either.
Twitter archives
RT @synchroSOLEIL: Pour comprendre les dynamiques de ces zones, il est important d’étudier, à haute pression et haute température (HP-HT),…
RT @synchroSOLEIL: La subduction est le processus par lequel 1 plaque tectonique océanique s'incurve et plonge sous 1 autre plaque avant de…
RT @synchroSOLEIL: #THREAD Des chercheurs de @univ_lille, @CNRS, @Sorbonne_Univ_ et de SOLEIL ont fait une nouvelle découverte sur la dyn…
RT @cOAlitionS_OA: Call to #researchers: what’s your experience of #Plan_S? Has it affected your publishing practices? How can @cOAlitionS_…
Group meeting presentation by @marzena_baron on our latest experiments at the @EuropeanXFEL https://t.co/IjGhzoIZVf
RT @CNRS_HdF: [RENDEZ-VOUS] Suivez ici l'anniversaire de l'#UMET mercredi 16.06 à partir de 8h30, en présence de Jean-Marie LEHN, Prix @No…
Jean Marie Lehn, Nobel prize winner in Chemistry speaking on Stages towards Complex Matter for the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the UMET lab @univ_lille. https://t.co/cjBnQu3Dz9
RT @Centralelille: [#EVENEMENT] S-1 : Célébrons les 10 ans de l'#UMET Unité Matériaux Et Transformation, lors de la matinée de conférences,…
De l’hélium et de l’hydrogène comprimés comme sur Jupiter https://t.co/qQeSFM0SIW via @lemondefr
RT @MarsCuriosity: Sometimes you just need to stop and watch the clouds roll by... on Mars. Cloudy days are rare here because the atmosph…
RT @olivertlord: Interested in the #physics, #chemistry and #biology of #glass? The Frontiers in Glass II conference takes place on Wednesd…
New publication lead by partners in Stanford: Ultrafast X-ray Diffraction Study of a Shock-Compressed Iron Meteorite above 100 GPa https://t.co/7G8qSQ0UN3 via @MDPIOpenAccess
RT @toktalks: World expert in scientific misconduct faces legal action for challenging integrity of hydroxychloroquine study https://t.co/i…
#Covid #vaccin center in Lille. Booked my appointment last night. Another 5 minutes wait and I am done! https://t.co/ugmMMKDQbA
RT @desynews: At the X-ray laser European XFEL, an international team of scientists has discovered a faster, high-pressure high-temperature…
@miolette Oui, les pharmacies vendent de très beaux biberons à toute heure. Testé il y a un moment...
@YordaYou @JamesBadro Félicitations Jimy. Well deserved!
Thanks to all our speakers and attendees at our #vEGU21 session on planetary cores today. Despite technical difficulties, everyone was able to present and we had around 90 attendees, probably more than we ever had in an in-person session.
RT @olivertlord: There were 118 years between the first sustained, controlled, powered flight on #Earth (the Wright Flyer) and the first on…
RT @airapt: Happy #StishoviteDay! 🎉 Celebrating the 60th anniversary of the discovery of #stishovite by S.M. Stishov and S.V. Popova #OnThi…
RT @JSynchrotronRad: H. P. Liermann et al.: Novel experimental setup for megahertz X-ray diffraction in a diamond anvil cell at the High En…
@miolette Bonne continuation, il y a une vue hors du monde académique !
RT @foretdesciences: #365Sci #CeJourLa 09/04/1889: décès du chimiste Michel-Eugène Chevreul, connu pour ses travaux sur les couleurs et sur…
France just closed the schools for the next 3 weeks (they say). Life is great.
Empty commuter train in the Paris suburbs. I had not been on such train in 1 year 1/2! https://t.co/LMYJpoeTtf
Sunday morning outside Paris. Rotopec and tomography experiment @synchroSOLEIL. https://t.co/4BmKNKSBR6
Superlasers Shed Light on Super-Earth Mantles https://t.co/yjjngrNhbw
@KananiKMLee @Livermore_Lab Thanks for inviting me anyway!
@seismo_koel My son loves it. He loves the organic chemistry one as well. It was hilarious to hear him point and say "Butane", "Methane", etc when he only had a few words.
This was exactly one year ago. I was in a rush leaving an empty campus at @Stanford and the US to get back home before the world stopped. It was a beautiful day and everything was quiet. Campus was quiet, SFO was quiet, CDG was quiet when I landed. It was weird. https://t.co/BZYir1w5KL
Today, I gave a remote seminar at @Livermore_Lab. I was supposed to give this talk in person 364 days ago, on March 12th, 2020, and I was the first seminar to be cancelled in this series. Little did I know how the rest of the year would go!
RT @WWU_HighPress: Today Timeless @DeepTransitions at #empg2021 14:43 Estelle Ledoux (@univ_lille) Microstructures across the Olivine-Wads…
RT @WWU_HighPress: @WWU_HighPress at the #empg21 today: 10h24 Malcolm Massuyeau Density of carbonate melts 14h15 Ilya Kupenko Plasticity…
RT @NASAPersevere: The moment that my team dreamed of for years, now a reality. Dare mighty things. #CountdownToMars https://t.co/8SgV53S…
RT @airapt: The Joint 28th #AIRAPT and 59th @EHPRG International Conference on High pressure science and technology, Edinburgh, UK has been…
RT @DeepTransitions: Matthias Krug from @WWU_HighPress is speaking live at the 2021 IUCr High-Pressure Workshop online and in Novosibirsk,…
RT @WWU_HighPress: Interested in joining @WWU_HighPress? We are seeking a PhD student to investigate the magnetic properties of high press…
RT @MinSoc_UK: Register for a lecture by Dr Nadège Hilairet, the European Mineralogical Union medallist for 2019: Deformation and transform…
Nadège Hilairet, chercheuse à suivre de Villeneuve-d’Ascq jusqu’aux entrailles de la Terre https://t.co/q2kCpW2XYK
RT @EuroGeosciences: IMPORTANT UPDATE: Due to the continuing and escalating difficulties for our community around the globe, the #vEGU21 ab…
Presenting work on the Earth's core at #vEGU21? Consider joining our session GD2.1"Earth's core structure, dynamics and evolution: observations, models, experiments". Abstract submissions accepted until 13 January 2021 at 13:00 CET.
https://t.co/g3pGCWto4G https://t.co/0wPUjc2Nza
@OdedRechavi In fact. Journals should give a break to their reviewers. There is too much pressure fast fast reviews these days. Preparing a real review takes time.
I am sick of automated emails asking for answers within 24 hours for non emergencies. From now on, answer will be "no" and journal will have to look for a new reviewer. Just started yesterday.
RT @BoldyrevaT: Dear Colleagues, 🔊 The deadlines for applications were extended. https://t.co/bbiTpsOc0S The new deadlines are: The abstra…
RT @DeepTransitions: Interrested in more TIMEleSS work at #AGU20? Poster presentation by M. Krug is still up: Microstructures induced by th…
@AGU_MRP New logo?!
RT @DeepTransitions: Today at #AGU20, see TIMEleSS presentation by J. Gay: Phase Change of Pyrolitic Material: In-situ Transformation and I…