Microstructural studies using X-ray diffraction
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Directories And Files Extensions

Processing deformation data can create thousands of files, especially with tools like the D-DIA where each deformation cycle can have about 100 images... Therefore, Multifit imposes very strict rules on directories and file extensions...


For each experiment you want to work on, you will have to set up 4 directories

  • a diffraction directory for the diffraction data itself,
  • a chi_and_idl directory for chi files and idl files, to store chi files extracted with fit2d and the multifit input files, created from those same chi files,
  • a fit directory with fit files, to store fitted peak positions, intensities, backgrounds..
  • a result directory, to store final results, stresses, lattice strains, pressures...

Location of the chi_and_idl and fit directory are strictly enforced. You will not be allowed to save those types of files anywhere else.

File extensions

Multifit also uses a series a file extensions, some are strict (they will will be included even if you did not add it yourself), some aren't (you could use another one):

  • tif: TIFF image, usually holds the original diffraction data
  • tiff: TIFF image, usually holds the original diffraction data
  • mar345: MAR 345 image, usually holds the original diffraction data
  • mac: fit2d macro
  • chi: Chi file?, created by fit2d
  • par: parameter file for Multifit
  • esg: input data for Maud
  • dat: fit results from manual peak fitting in Multifit
  • fit: fit results from automated peak fitting in Multifit
  • mdl: model for automated peak fitting in Multifit, created from a series of dat files.
  • csv: tabulated data, usually results of stress or strain fitting...
Page last modified on August 28, 2007, at 07:07 PM