Microstructural studies using X-ray diffraction http://merkel.texture.rocks/>RDX/ |
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Plot Individual Orientations In M TexMTex is a free, GPL, MATLAB toolbox for quantitative texture analysis. It includes many functions for dealing with ODF, plotting pole figures and so on. We use it to plot 3D-XRD data, for which you have a collection of grains, with their orientation matrix. You want to plot the orientations of the individual grains as dots (or circles) overlayed on a pole figure reconstructed from and ODF. The grain orientations are provided in VPSC texture file, with Bunge Euler angles. Pole figure conventions in MtexBy default, M Tex plots pole figures with plot(zvector,'Marker','p','MarkerSize',15,'MarkerFaceColor','red','MarkerEdgeColor','black') plot(xvector,'Marker','p','MarkerSize',15,'MarkerFaceColor','red','MarkerEdgeColor','black') plot(yvector,'Marker','p','MarkerSize',15,'MarkerFaceColor','red','MarkerEdgeColor','black') You can also change this default behavior using plotx2east plotx2north plotx2west plotx2south. Prepare Mtex for loading you dataYou should define a crystal symmetry ( cs = symmetry('tetragonal'); ss = symmetry('-1'); fname = fullfile('/home/data/directory/','','filename.tex'); Crystal symmetry will be something like Load individual orientations and create a textureTo load the data with individual orientations and generate an ODF, use the following command halfwidth = 10*degree; odf = loadODF_generic(fname,'cs',cs,'ss',ss,'bunge','degree','ColumnNames',{'Euler 1' 'Euler 2' 'Euler 3' 'weight'},'header',4,'Columns',[1,2,3,4],'halfwidth',halfwidth); This will load the VPSC texture file and generate the ODF. In Mtex, this is done by adding a bell shaped model at every measured individual orientation. Some comments:
You can the plot a plain pole figure using plotpdf(odf,Miller(1,0,0),'antipodal','resolution',2*degree) plotpdf(odf,Miller(1,0,0),'contourf', 'antipodal','resolution',2*degree) Load individual orientations, and keep them as suchTo load the data with individual orientations and and keep them as such, you should use ebsd = loadEBSD_generic(fname,'cs',cs,'ss',ss,'bunge','degree','ColumnNames',{'Euler 1' 'Euler 2' 'Euler 3' 'weight'},'header',4,'Columns',[1,2,3,4]); o = get(ebsd,'orientations') and you can plot the individual orientation using plotpdf(o,Miller(1,0,0),'MarkerSize',3,'MarkerEdgeColor','k','MarkerFaceColor','w') Some comments:
Recently, we noticed an issue while loading orientations for crystals with orthorhombic symmetry. For some reason, the sample symmetry was then forced to orthorhombic as well and there were inconsistencies in pole figures. Therefore, we wrote our own loading routine. You can see it below test = load_generic(fname,'header',4,'Columns',[1,2,3,4]); [m,n] = size(test); clear o; for j=1:m, o(j) = orientation('Euler',test(j,1)*degree,test(j,2)*degree,test(j,3)*degree,cs,ss); end Rotate the ODFIn some cases, you might want to rotate the ODF before plotting. For instance, if you have a compression direction along rotate = rotation('Euler',0*degree,90*degree,0*degree) odfRotated = rotate(odf,rotate) ebsdRotated = rotate(ebsd,rotate) I am not entirely sure weather you should rotate by +90 or -90 degrees. Please check your data!! Similarly, if you have a compression direction along rotate = rotation('Euler',90*degree,90*degree,0*degree) odfRotated = rotate(odf,rotate) ebsdRotated = rotate(ebsd,rotate) Again, please check! There could +90 or -90 degrees rotations. I'm not sure. Plot the ODF and individual orientations, together, on the same plotTo do this type of plots in color, use something like plotpdf(odf,Miller(1,0,0),'antipodal','resolution',2*degree) hold all plotpdf(o,Miller(1,0,0),'MarkerSize',5,'MarkerEdgeColor','w') hold off You can remove the boxes, add spaces between pole figures and so on in the options, once the figure has been plotted. To force all pole figures to use the same color scale, type Another version, in black and white this time setMTEXpref('defaultColorMap',white2blackColorMap) plotpdf(odf, [Miller(1,0,0), Miller(0,1,0), Miller(0,0,1)],'antipodal','resolution',2*degree); hold all; plotpdf(o, [Miller(1,0,0), Miller(0,1,0), Miller(0,0,1)],'MarkerSize',10,'MarkerFaceColor','w','MarkerEdgeColor','k'); setcolorrange('equal'); hold off; A final version, in black and white and with contours setMTEXpref('defaultColorMap',white2blackColorMap) plotpdf(odf, [Miller(1,0,0), Miller(0,1,0), Miller(0,0,1)],'contourf','antipodal','resolution',2*degree); hold all; plotpdf(o, [Miller(1,0,0), Miller(0,1,0), Miller(0,0,1)],'MarkerSize',10,'MarkerFaceColor','w','MarkerEdgeColor','k'); setcolorrange('equal'); hold off; Batch processing of multiple filesThis routine will load multiple individual orientation files, use the same intensity scale for textures, and save them in jpeg cs = symmetry('orthorhombic'); ss = symmetry('-1'); minPFrange = 0; maxPFrange = 3; markersize = 8; path = '/home/path/to/data'; texture = {'file1.dat', 'file2.dat', 'file3.dat'}; images = {'file1.jpg', 'file2.jpg', 'file3.jpg'}; [tt,nfiles] = size(texture); disp(nfiles) for i=1:nfiles, fname = fullfile(path,texture{i}); output = fullfile(path,images{i}); test = load_generic(fname,'header',2,'Columns',[1,2,3,4]); [m,n] = size(test); clear o; for j=1:m, o(j) = orientation('Euler',test(j,1)*degree,test(j,2)*degree,test(j,3)*degree,cs,ss); end halfwidth = 10*degree; odf = loadODF_generic(fname,'cs',cs,'ss',ss,'bunge','degree','ColumnNames',{'Euler 1' 'Euler 2' 'Euler 3' 'weight'},'header',2,'Columns',[1,2,3,4],'halfwidth',halfwidth); setMTEXpref('defaultColorMap',white2blackColorMap) plotpdf(odf,[Miller(1,0,0), Miller(0,1,0), Miller(0,0,1)],'antipodal','resolution',2*degree,'colorrange',[minPFrange,maxPFrange]) hold all plotpdf(o,[Miller(1,0,0), Miller(0,1,0), Miller(0,0,1)],'antipodal','MarkerSize',markersize,'MarkerFaceColor','w','MarkerEdgeColor','k','gray') hold off savefigure(output) end |