Microstructural studies using X-ray diffraction http://merkel.texture.rocks/>RDX/ |
In works Memo |
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ID 06ID 6 handling
Beamline controlMotors Press motors
Detector arm
Take diffraction The procedure used to be complicated but it was move into a macro. Simply type take_diff This is the old procedure (pre-2015)
umv azim 0; eh1fsclose; sleep(1); eh1fsopen; umv azim 360; eh1fsclose
umv azim 0; eh1fsclose; sleep(1); eh1fsopen; umv azim 360; eh1fsclose; eh1fsopen Diffraction software
To take radiographs
takephoto 2 -2 9 0.1 This will take 10 images, between 2 and -2 in z. Each image will pose 0.1 s. Tips and trick
Stress directionsWith the setup on ID 06, vertical directions are collected at 0 and 180°. Horizontal directions are at 90 and 270°. If your sample is under a lateral stress, d-spacings are small at 90 and 270°. In this case, 2 theta are large at 90 and 270°. If your sample is under a compressive stress, d-spacings are small at 0 and 180°. In this case, 2 theta are large at 0 and 180°. |