Microstructural studies using X-ray diffraction
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Converting The Diffraction Data

EDF Files

3D-XRD processing is usually based on the EDF format for diffraction images.

EDF stands from European Data Format and it is widely used at ESRF for storing diffraction data. Each EDF file contains, beside the binary data of the rectangular matrix, an ASCII header which normally consists of 24 lines of text. This header includes, among other things, the endian bit type (little or big), the data type (e.g. unsigned short or long integer), the horizontal and vertical dimensions of the image matrix in pixels, the size of the data file in bytes, the date and time of data acquisition, and various information about the beamline configurations and motors.

It is quite useful for 3D-XRD because all information is contained in one file and you do not have to remember, nor write down, all the image names while performing omega scans, for instance.

Data collected at id11 at ESRF

Data collected at the id11 beamline of the ESRF is already in EDF so there is nothing to be done.

Data collected at P02 in Petra III

Data collected at the P02 beamline at Petra III is not in EDF. It consists of

  • a set of Tiff images from the Perkin Elmer detector,
  • a log file with all the information of the data collection, that you would like to see in the EDF header.

The petra2EDF.py script was developed for such as task. To run the script, you will have to provide

  • the location of the Tiff images,
  • the folder where you want to save the generated EDF files,
  • the location of the log file generated during the run at P02.

It will parse the P02 logfile, and create EDF files with the corresponding header.

Here is the help you will get if you type petra2EDF.py -h

Conversion of PETRA Perkin-Elmer diffraction files to be used with fable from ESRF
Copyright 2012, S. Merkel, http://merkel.zoneo.net/

Usage: petraPE2edf.py [options]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Path to TIFF images created during experiment
                        where to save EDF file (mendatory)
                        logfile created during the PETRA experiment

 - petraPE2edf.py -d locationOfPEData -e locationOfEDFData -l logfile

Data collected at id27 at ESRF

If you ask for it, id27 data can also be saved in EDF, so you will not need to convert anything.

Page last modified on July 19, 2013, at 02:47 PM