Simulation of high pressure diffraction pattern
This was designed as a java applet (remember the 1990's) to simulate composite diffraction patterns of materials under high pressure. Java applets do not exist anymore, but you can run it as a standalone program. It assumes a monochromatic x-ray beam. You can choose the energy (the wavelength), pressure, and list of materials you're looking at and it will calculate the corresponding diffraction pattern.
If you wish, you can also add a experimental pattern for comparison. I should be in CHI format (created by Fit2d for instance). You can also add your own materials to the list: the program can read JCPDS cards, version 4, with high pressure data.
There is a small database of materials included in the program. If you find any error, or want to add a card to the database, just drop me an email and I'll be very happy to do so.
The program should run with any recent version of java. On a mac or most linux distributions, it should be no problem. On windows, it depends on your installation of java. If the application doesn't show up, you probably have to upgrade. Have a look at java.com for more details.
To start the application, click on the screenshot to download the application. On windows or mac, you should start it by double-cicking on the corresponding icon. On linux, open a terminal and type java -jar hpdiff.jar

12/2019: source code transfered to github 12/2019: updated instructions to run this as a standalone application. Java applets are not allowed by any modern browser anymore. |