Ongoing projects
ERC HotCores - 2022-2027
Min-Dixi ANR - 2023-2027
TIMEleSS ANR - 2018-2022
Earth and Planetary Materials in Lille
Main page
Present members
Former members
High Pressure Lab
Work at Large Scale Facilities
Powder Diffraction
Microstructural studies using x-ray diffraction
Data processing with MAUD
Multigrain X-ray Diffraction
TIMEleSS Multigrain Wiki
TIMEleSS tools @ github
Java applets
High pressure diffraction patterns
Sea level and topography
Structures of minerals
Phase diagram of olivine
Science topics
Scientific illustrations
Mystère des profondeurs -- An article for The Conversation
The diamonds at LSPES
Raman spectrum of iron
Deformations in the diamond anvil cell
Symbols and space group numbers
X-ray diffraction
Conference presentations
2024 ICOTOM - Multigrain X-ray crystallography and phase transformation and deformation microstructures in Earth's mantle minerals
Other topics
Tips LaTeX
Natbib reference sheet
VPN connection to Lille 1 under Linux

Scientific illustrations
- Slip systems for the lower mantle
- Slip systems for D''
- Slip systems for the inner core
- Perovskite: Pnma vs. Pbnm vs. pseudo-cubic
- Diamond anvil cell
- Earth's interior
Slip systems in MgO
Slip systems in bridgmanite, (Mg,Fe)SiO3 perovskite
- [010](001) and [100](001) slip in bridgmanite
- [100](010) and [001](010) slip in bridgmanite
- [010](100) and [001](100) slip in bridgmanite
- 〈110〉{1-10} and [001]{110} slip in bridgmanite
Slip systems in CaSiO3 perovskite
Slip systems in MgO